1. Fleet Admins are businesses with multiple cars and drivers.
2. Fleet Admins can be created by Main Admin in Admin Panel. Mobile numbers should be in the full international format while
creating the user. Do normal Mobile login with OTP or do the password reset for the Email type login.
3. Fleet Admin can log in to the Admin Panel using the Mobile Number or can request a password reset while Login in the Login Screen of the Admin Panel, by clicking on Forgot Password.
4. Fleet Admins can only use Admin Panel and not the Mobile Apps.
5. Fleet Admin can create their own multiple numbers of Drivers through the Admin Panel.
6. Those Drivers can log in using Mobile OTP or can reset their passwords from the Login screen, by tapping forgot password in the Mobile App.
7. Drivers can use Mobile Apps only.
8. These created drivers get Rides normally like other Drivers in the System.
9. Fleet Admins can see the incomes of their created drivers only.
10. There are no other functions of Fleet Admins, other than creating a Driver and monitoring the income.
11. When Admin adds a commission percentage to Vehicle Type Page -> Fleet Admin Fee., any driver mapped with FleetAdmin and earning a Booking share will have to give that percentage of Driver share as commission to the FleetAdmin.